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Pruebas del sujeto GRE®

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Seleccione un paso para obtener más información sobre su recorrido por la prueba para sujetos GRE®.


Comprensión de sus puntajes de la prueba del sujeto GRE

El proceso de puntuación

Total Scaled Score

The number of questions you answered correctly on the entire test (total correct score) is converted to the total scaled score for score reporting. This conversion ensures that a scaled score reported for any edition of a GRE Subject Test is comparable to the same scaled score earned on any other edition of the test. jues, equal scaled scores on a particular Subject Test indicate essentially equal levels of performance regardless of the test edition taken.

Percent Correct Scores in Content Areas

Beginning in septiembre 2023, three percent correct scores will be reported on the GRE Physics Test and six percent correct scores will be reported on the GRE Psychology Test. These scores will range from 0 to 100 percent. Percent correct scores indicate the percentage of questions you answered correctly within a particular content area. Note that percent correct scores from one test edition cannot be compared with percent correct scores on other test editions because these scores are not equated.


Recursos de interpretación de puntajes

Los siguientes recursos le permitirán comprender mejor el significado de los resultados y cómo les aconsejamos a las instituciones usarlos.

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