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Prueba TOEFL iBT®

La principal prueba de comunicación académica en inglés

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Contenido de la evaluación TOEFL iBT

La prueba TOEFL iBT tiene cuatro secciones: Reading, Listening, Speaking y Writing.


Tiempo de prueba

The total test takes just under 2 hours to complete, but you should plan for 2.5 hours, allowing 30 minutes for check in.


Descripción general de las secciones de prueba

Use la tabla a continuación para ver el desglose de cada sección de prueba TOEFL iBT.


Sección Estimated Timing Questions/Tasks Descripción
Reading 35 minutos 20 questions Read passages and respond to questions.
Listening 36 minutes 28 questions Answer questions about brief lectures or classroom discussions.
Speaking 16 minutes 4 tareas Talk about a familiar topic and discuss material you read and heard.
Writing 29 minutes 2 tareas

Read a passage, listen to a recording, type your response.

State and support an opinion in an online classroom discussion.


To receive official scores, you must answer at least one question each in the Reading and Listening sections, and complete at least one Speaking task and one Writing task.

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